Arcus Odyssey Sega Genesis Retro Game of the Month February 2025

Selected by: tankMage

The Sega Genesis has more than its fair share of hidden gems and Arcus Odyssey is a prime example of a great game that is largely forgotten. This hack and slash RPG offers non stop action, four playable characters, and a slew of special abilities. Each hero has a weapon that is quite distinct from the other three heroes as well as an arsenal of spells. Each stage has its own unique look and feel as well. Players are also given a variety of foes and bosses to battle.

The graphics and sound are just about as good as they get on the Genesis, making this game stand out yet again as high quality title. There’s even some story progression that can change depending on the player’s actions, though this aspect of the game is fairly limited. All in all, Arcus Odyssey is a great title to pick up if you’re looking for a combat oriented adventure game.

Click here for more on Arcus Oddyssey

If you would like to nominate a Retro Game of the Month, visit our Forum and tell us what title you would like to see featured on the home page! You can also leave a comment on this post naming the game you want.

River City Ransom NES Retro Game of the Month January 2025

Selected by: tankMage

It’s a new year and a new month! That means it’s time for a new…err…old Retro Game of the Month! Even better, I’m only three days late on this post. Hey, New Year’s was rough so cut me some slack.

We’re kicking off 2025 with the NES classic, River City Ransom. Like any good beat ’em up, this one has players rescuing a kidnapped girlfriend and freeing River City High School from a gang leader named Slick. While the story may not stand out from the crowd very much, great gameplay, a semi-open world, and RPG elements distinguish this title as one of the best hidden gems on the Nintendo Entertainment System.

I wish I had more to say about River City Ransom, but I’ve only played bits of it out of curiosity and to test passwords. With any luck I’ll be able to get to it in the near future. At any rate, what I played was good enough to convince me this title deserves the Retro Game of the Month award.

Click here for more on River City Ransom

If you would like to nominate a Retro Game of the Month, visit our Forum and tell us what title you would like to see featured on the home page! You can also leave a comment on this post naming the game you want.

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The situation changed a couple of years ago, when the amount of spam the site recieved tripled from a handful of comments a day to 20-30 and it’s only gotten worse over time. These comments often have nothing to do with the subject of gaming and contain links to dubious websites. At the same time, legitimate comments sometimes get flagged as spam. This has made it necessary to review every comment manually, which is annoying when 99% of them are from bots. Even worse, time spent combing through spam is time not spent on improving this website.

Over the years I’ve temporarily locked the comments for non-registered users during periods of excessive spam. Usually, I’ve only had to lock comments for a month at most. This method has done little to combat the current spam avalanche, so I’m locking comments to non-registered users indefinitely.

I hate to do this, because I know keeping track of accounts in this day and age is a headache, but the security of this site and its users has to come first. If you wish to leave a comment, please take a few minutes to create an account as shown in the Login/Create Account tab. I’m sorry for the inconvenience, with any luck I’ll be able to reopen the comments to everyone some day.

Pocky & Rocky 2 Retro Game of the Month December 2024

Selected by: Cowboy Yojimbo

Sorry this one is a week late, I’ve been having some trouble managing my schedule recently. I’ve also made some changes to the Retro Game of the Month, which you can view via the link at the end of this post if you’re interested.

With that out of the way, our December Retro Game of the Month is Pocky & Rocky 2 for the Super Nintendo. Honestly, I do not remember it very well as we covered it almost a decade ago now. That said, it stands out as a fun shooter with strong co-op and a cool upgrade system that used a shop much like in Fantasy Zone. Pocky & Rocky 2 is also very nice looking thanks to some beautiful 16-Bit sprite work. Give it a try if you’re looking for a shmup that deviates from the usual formula.

Click here for more on Pocky & Rocky 2

If you would like to nominate a Retro Game of the Month, visit our Forum and tell us what title you would like to see featured on the home page! You can also leave a comment on this post naming the game you want.

Secret of Mana (SNES) Retro Game of the Month November 2024

Selected by: Rontro

November’s game of the month is a title that managed to succeed despite facing tremendous setbacks during development. Secret of Mana started life as a launch title for the SNES CD add-on that never came to fruition. When the add-on was canceled, Square decided to release the nearly complete Secret of Mana. Sadly, a fair amount of content was cut to fit the game into a cartridge.

Even with shortened dungeons and a condensed story, Secret of Mana still manages to distinguish itself as an excellent 16-Bit Action RPG. A wide assortment of weapons, 3 player co-op, an imaginative game world, and a great sound track set this game apart from many of its contemporaries. It also has some of the best animations I’ve seen on the SNES. All in all, Secret of Mana more than earned its place in gaming history considering the difficulties its developers faced.

Click here for more on Secret of Mana

Would you like to see your favorite game win Retro Game of the Month? Visit our forum and nominate it. In December we will vote to decide which title will win Retro Game of the Year.

MediEvil (PS1) Retro Game of the Month October 2024

Selected by: CowboyYojimbo

This month’s winner, MediEvil, is a perfect choice for October! It’s also a great action platformer that’s packed with cool weapons and stages to explore. MediEvil’s story is also cool, because Sir Dan is a humorous underdog, who must prove himself in order to be accepted into the Hall of Heroes. To cement this game’s place in the hall of fame, the devs made excellent use of the PS1’s modest 3D capabilities by giving the game a comical asthetic, so MediEvil has arguably stood the test of time far better than some other games of its time.

Click here for more on MediEvil.

Would you like to see your favorite game win Retro Game of the Month? Visit our forum and nominate it. In December we will vote to decide which title will win Retro Game of the Year.