All movies are listed in alphabetical order by title and year of release. Films that start with the words “The” or “A” are alphabetized by the first letter of the second word in the title. Click on the link to read reviews of the corresponding movie.
Movies A to D | Release Year | Genre |
Alien: Covenant | 2017 | Sci-Fi/Horror |
Alone in the Dark | 2005 | Horror |
Americathon | 1979 | Comedy |
Aquaman | 2018 | Action |
Avengers: Endgame | 2019 | Action |
Avengers: Infinity War | 2018 | Action |
Bad Day at Black Rock | 1955 | Action/Drama |
Black Panther | 2018 | Action |
Blade Runner 2049 | 2017 | Sci-Fi |
BloodRayne | 2005 | Horror/Action |
BloodRayne: Deliverance [BloodRayne 2] | 2007 | Horror/Action |
Bohemian Rhapsody | 2018 | Biography |
Captain America (TV) | 1979 | Action |
Captain America: Death too Soon (TV) | 1979 | Action |
Damien: The Omen II | 1978 | Horror |
Dark Dungeons | 2014 | Thriller |
Day of the Triffids | 1963 | Sci-Fi |
Day the Earth Stood Still, The | 1951 | Sci-Fi |
Deadpool 2 | 2018 | Action |
Double Down | 2005 | Action |
Movies E to H | Release Year | Genre |
Evilenko | 2004 | Thriller |
Extraordinary Adventures of Adèle Blanc-Sec, The | 2010 | Action/Adventure |
Exorcist II: The Heretic | 1977 | Horror |
Eyes Without a Face [Les Yeux Sans Visage] | 1960 | Horror |
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas | 1998 | Comedy/Biography |
From Dusk Till Dawn | 1996 | Action/Horror |
Godzilla: King of the Monsters | 2019 | Action/Sci-Fi |
Hatchet | 2006 | Horror |
House of the Dead | 2003 | Horror |
Movies I to L | Release Year | Genre |
In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale | 2007 | Fantasy |
Into the Spiderverse | 2018 | Action |
Island of Lost Souls | 1932 | Sci-Fi/Horror |
Jem and the Holograms | 2015 | Animation/Musical |
John Wick Chapter 2 | 2017 | Action |
Joker | 2019 | Action/Drama |
Kimi no Na wa [Your Name] | 2016 | Drama |
Krull | 1983 | Sci-Fi/Fantasy |
Movies M to P | Release Year | Genre |
Man Who Laughs, The | 1928 | Drama |
Marathon Man | 1976 | Thriller |
Mazes and Monsters | 1982 | Thriller |
Meg, The | 2018 | Action/Sci-Fi |
Mortal Engines | 2018 | Sci-Fi |
Omen, The | 1979 | Horror |
Pacific Rim: Uprising | 2018 | Sci-Fi/Action |
Poltergeist | 1982 | Horror |
Movies Q to T | Release Year | Genre |
Quiet Man, The | 1952 | Drama/Action |
Ralph Breaks the Internet | 2018 | Animation/Action |
Ready Player One | 2018 | Action/Sci-Fi |
Skin I Live In, The [La Piel Que Habito] | 2011 | Drama/Horror |
Solo | 2018 | Sci-Fi/Action |
Spider-Man: Far From Home | 2019 | Action |
Stealth | 2005 | Action |
Sweet Home (Japan) | 1989 | Horror |
Super Mario Bros. | 1993 | Action |
Tag: The Assassination Game | 1982 | Thriller |
Movies U to Z | Release Year | Genre |
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets | 2017 | Sci-Fi |
Warcraft | 2016 | Fantasy |
Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey | 2023 | Horror |