thanks the following individuals for their contributions:
FoxOne – Assistance with transcribing and testing the many cheats that been published on this site.
Rontro – Has shared a number of passwords for NES and SNES titles. Thanks for all the hard work! Visit his YouTube channel at:
Manhalt – Wrote several reviews and provided much needed technical assistance. Thanks for saving my bacon!
The Every Gamer – Has written several reviews for this site and contributed passwords.
Cowboy Yojimbo – Has written and submitted a number of reviews.
Grawlix- Our resident movie critic whose singular efforts have built up this site’s entire stock of film reviews.
LastBossKiller – LBK informed RetroMaggedon about the English beta of Double Moon Densetsu and gave us the rare opportunity to play a freshly translated Famicom game.
ContagionKat – Creator of the original 2016 RetroMaggedon Banner and Icon. Thank you for the excellent logo!
Golden_Torizio and skater43 – For their assistance with the short Guide for Doraemon: Giga Zombie no GyakushÅ«.