The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Super Nintendo) Save Files
Download File: LegendofZeldaaLinktothePastSNESSaves.7z
File Contents
This file contains the following saves:
LttPMasterSwordSave – Start with the Master Sword, Ice Rod, Ether Magic, Red Shield, and 9 Hearts.
LttPDarkWorld4DungeonsSave – Tempered Sword, 16 Hearts, Ether, Bombos, and Quake. The first four dungeons in the dark world have been
completed on this file.
LttPEndGame – Gold Sword, Red Armor, Max Hearts, Bombs, and Arrows. All dungeons completed and items collected.
Emulator Version: SNES9x 1.53 Win32 for Windows PC
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