Super Hydorah (PC, Nintendo Switch) Home Page
Release Data
Developer: Locomalito and Gryzor87
Publisher: Abylight Studios
Release Date: September 2017
Genre: 2D Shooter
Platform: PC, Nintendo Switch
Players: 1-2 Co-op
Super Hydorah is a 2D shooter created by Locomalito and Gryzor87 (music composer) that was released in 2017. The story begins with the evil Meroptian empire invading the Omios Star System. Players control an elite pilot who has been deployed in a Delta Lance fighter to combat the Meroptian scourge. Styled after classic shooters like Gradius and R-Type, Super Hydorah has players blasting their way through 21 enemy filled stages. Every stage has a boss, which will drop a new weapon or upgrade upon defeat. Weapons taken from bosses can be used to customize the Delta Lance to suit the player’s needs. Players can also take different routes through the game as it branches of into multiple paths. A two player Co-op feature makes it possible for friends to team up and do battle together.

Further Reading
Want to learn more about Super Hydorah for PC and Nintendo Switch? Check out the following resources.
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