Soul Blazer (SNES) Retro Game of the Month March 2024

Selected by: Cowboy Yojimbo

Soul Blazer is an underappreciated action RPG for the Super Nintendo that’s part of a largely forgotten spiritual trilogy which also includes Illusion of Gaia and Terranigma. In Soul Blazer the world has been rendered barren and lifeless, because a greedy king sold the soul of every living being to a demon called Deathtoll. Players control a servant of a being known as the Master, who has been tasked with reviving the world. Over the course of the adventure players will visit various areas, battle monsters action RPG style with sword and sorcery, and slowly free the inhabitants of the world.

Every area has its own story and cast of characters that gradually open up as the player frees NPCs from the clutches of Deathtoll. While most of the stories are simplistic, they help bring the game to life and add an emotional dimension to the hero’s mission as he makes friends along the way. The action is what really shines as this game is something of a fusion between Gauntlet and Legend of Zelda. Every dungeon is punctuated by a climactic boss fight that makes freeing the world all the more satisfying.

Click here for more on Soul Blazer

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