Spring must be spam season, because we’re getting a huge influx of fake comments. To combat this I’ve placed some temporary restrictions on our comments sections. This means it may take a while for your comment to appear (anywhere from 30 minutes to 6 hours) so don’t worry if your comment isn’t visible right away.
I hate having to do this, but spam comments almost always contain links to malicious sites and I would rather visitors be slightly inconvenienced than see something unpleasant happen to someone who accidentally clicked on a bad link. Spam also makes it difficult for real humans whi have something to say to get their message across, which is another reason why I put anti-spam measures in place. I would share a few choice words for the individuals behind this spam campaign, but the likelihood that they are even aware of the existence of this site is near zero, so I won’t waste my time.
The restrictions will be in place until the deluge slows down to its usual or trickle, which will hopefully only take a day or two. Once again, I apologize for this inconvenience.