We Happy Few (PC,Xbox One,PS4) Home Page
Release Data
Developer: Compulsion Games
Publisher: Gearbox Publishing
Release Date: August 2018
Platform: PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4
Genre: Action/Survival
Players: 1
We Happy Few takes place in a dystopian British town called Wellington Wells. The citizens of Wellington Wells must take regular doses of a mind altering drug called Joy or be labeled as “Downers”. Those accused of being Downers will face the wrath of the local police who are referred to as “Bobbies”. Players can control one of several characters, each of whom has his own story, as they struggle to survive or escape Wellington Wells. In order to succeed players will have to blend in with the populace, scavenge supplies, and use stealth to travel. Players can use what they find to craft a variety of items and even customize their weapons. Cricket bats and batons (among other things) serve as weapons in situations where the player is forced to fight. Wellington Wells itself is a sizable town filled with both hand crafted and procedurally generated areas to explore. Additionally, each character has his or her own unique talents. We Happy Few is roughly twelve hours long.

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