The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (Nintendo DS) Save Files

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Download File: LoZPhantomHourGlassDSEarlyGameSaves.7z

File Contents

The following save files are for the US release of The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass for the Nintendo DS. These saves were created in part to help players get around parts of the game where they have to blow into the DS mic, which generally does not work well on Desmume and other DS emulators. The user bio for this game is the default desmume 0.9.13 setting.

Fire Temple – Start at the sentence to the Temple of Fire after blowing out the candles to open the door. 3 Hearts, Sword, Wood Shield, and about 100 Rupees.

Second Sea Chart Piece – This save was created just after getting the Northwestern Sea Chart from the Temple of the Ocean King and blowing the dust off of it. 4 Hearts, Sword, Wood Shield, and over 200 Rupees.

Wind Temple – Link is in the entrance to the Temple of the Wind just after activating the three windmills to open the doors. You’ll have 5 Hearts, Sword, Wood Shield, and almost all of the treasures/bonus items available at this point. The Golden Frog and Fishing sidequests are not complete.

Emulator Version: Desmume 0.9.13 (RetroArch)

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Thanks for visiting and enjoy your save file for The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass.

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