Metroid Prime (GameCube) Save Files
Note: These files are compatible with the USA REV 2 version of Metroid Prime and may not work with other versions of the game.
Download File: MetroidPrimeGameCubeEarlyGame.7z
File Contents
This file is for the early parts of Metroid Prime. The Chozo Ruins are completed and players have the following: 50 Missiles, Varia Suit, Charge Beam, 3 Energy Tanks, Morph Ball, Bombs. The save was created near the entrance to Phendrana.
Emulator Version: Dolphin 5.0
Download File: MetroidPrimeGameCubeMidGame.7z
File Contents
Start in Chozo Ruins with the Morph Ball, Spider Ball, Morph Ball Bomb, Power Bomb (5), Power Beam, Ice Beam, Wave Beam, Plasma Beam, Charge Beam, Space Jump Boots, Beam Combo, Grapple Beam, Power Suit, Varia Suit, Gravity Suit, Energy Tanks (11), Missiles (120), and more.
Chozo Artifacts: Strength, Truth, Lifegiver, Warrior, Chozo
Emulator Version: Dolphin 5.0
Download File: MetroidPrimeGameCubeEndGame.7z
File Contents
Final section of Metroid Prime. Start in Impact Crater with the Morph Ball, Spider Ball, Morph Ball Bomb, Power Bomb (5), Power Beam, Ice Beam, Wave Beam, Plasma Beam, Charge Beam, Space Jump Boots, Beam Combo, Grapple Beam, Power Suit, Phazon Suit, Varia Suit, Gravity Suit, Energy Tanks (13), Missiles (180), and more.
Chozo Artifacts: All Artifacts acquired and returned to temple
Emulator Version: Dolphin 5.0
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Thanks for visiting and enjoy your Metroid Prime save file.