Lunar: Dragon Song (Nintendo DS) Save Files
Note: It may be necessary to change the profile on your Nintendo DS (or Emulator) to match that of the one used to create the following saves. The profile information for each save has been included under the save file’s description.
Download File: LunarDragonSongFrontierComplete.7z
File Contents
Just after the fight with Ignatius in Vile Castle, which is about halfway through the game.
Profile Info
Nickname: tankMage
Birthday: 1/01
Color: Light Slate Grey
Emulator Version: DraStic r2.5.1.3a
Download File: LunarDragonSongAllDragonsDefeated.7z
File Contents
Rebric village, White, Blue, Red, and Black Dragons defeated. Level 50 party.
Profile Info
Nickname: tankMage
Birthday: 1/01
Color: Light Slate Grey
Emulator Version: DraStic r2.5.1.3a
Download File: LunarDragonSongFinalBoss.7z
File Contents
Party is level 60 and has almost of of the best weapons and armor. Save created just before the last boss fight.
Profile Info
Nickname: tankMage
Birthday: 1/01
Color: Light Slate Grey
Emulator Version: DraStic r2.5.1.3a
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Thanks for visiting and enjoy your Lunar: Dragon Song save file.