Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday (Genesis) Save Files
Downlaod File: BuckRogersCountdowntoDoomsdayHighDesert.7z
File Contents
Martian high desert, before Gravidus Mons. The party is composed of 3 warriors, rocket jock, medic, and rogue all level 7. Battle armor with fields, Martian needle guns, plasma throwers and more. Tons of credits.
Emulator Version: Genesis Plus GX
Download File: BuckRogersCountdowntoDoomsdayEndGame.7z
File Contents
Final portion of the game, level 8 party with 3 warriors, 1 medic, 1 rogue, 1 rocket jock. Battle armor with fields, mono sword, plasma thrower, rocket launcher, needle guns.
Emulator Version: Genesis Plus GX
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