Nintendo 64 (N64) Save Files

Click the one of the links below to download saves for Nintendo 64 games. Click here to return to the Save Archive main page.

N64 A to DRelease TypeRegion
N64 E to HRelease TypeRegion
N64 I to LRelease TypeRegion
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, TheOfficialNTSC
N64 M to PRelease TypeRegion
N64 Q to TRelease TypeRegion
N64 U to ZRelease TypeRegion
WCW/nWo RevengeOfficialNTSC

5 thoughts on “Nintendo 64 (N64) Save Files”

  1. Thank you! The saves on the tech game are only for the create a character. Im looking for a save that has everything unlocked in the game. Your help will be very appreciated. I looked everywhere for months and nothing..

  2. I let him, know. He said he would have to play the game again to get the saves, so I’m not really sure how long that will take. If you like, I can email you when I get word from him. We’re also in the process of setting up user accounts and a forum. You will be more than welcome to post on it about the save files once it is finished, maybe someone will be able to provide some leads that way.

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