Tecmo Bowl (Nintendo Entertainment System) Home Page

General InfoPages for Tecmo BowlSystems
Release DataPasswordsNES

Release Data

Developer: Tecmo/Sculptured Software

Publisher: Tecmo

Release Date: February, 1989

System: Nintendo Entertainment System

Genre: Sports

Players: 1-2


In Tecmo Bowl, players control NFL teams with rosters that are a fusion of the 1987 and 1988 seasons. There are twelve teams players can choose from, which include Miami, Dallas, San Francisco, and Chicago to name a few. Each team is limited to only nine players instead of the standard twelve. Teams have playbooks that include two to four offensive and defensive plays. Notable football players from the NFL appear in Tecmo Bowl and each player has unique abilities.

There are several game modes, with the first being single player, where a player faces off against the computer in a season. Winning a game in single player mode grants the player a password that can be used to continue the season. Two player mode allows two friends to face off against one another with teams of their choosing. Finally, coach mode involves two players acting as coaches for their respective teams by choosing from the preset playbooks for their teams. The actual gameplay is controlled by the computer for both teams in coach mode and players watch their teams execute each play.


Further Reading

Want to learn more about Tecmo Bowl for the NES? Check out these resources.



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