Star Wars: Battlefront II (PlayStation Portable) Home Page

General InfoPages for Star Wars: Battlefront IISystems
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Release Data

Developer: Pandemic Studios

Publisher: Lucas Arts

Release Date: October 31, 2005

System: PlayStation Portable

Genre: Third Person Shooter

Players: 1 or Online Multiplayer (Discontinued)


Star Wars Battlefront II is a third person shooter that places players in control of a soldier from one of several factions from the Star Wars universe. The game features several modes that range from single matches to a story mode. Every game mode revolves around battles in locations from Star Wars and players must battle an opponent controlled by the computer or other players. Battles feature dozens of combatants as well as objectives that require players to capture bases or destroy certain targets.

There are a variety of playable units. At first players can only control basic units like assault blaster carrying troopers, engineers that can repair vehicles, or rocket launcher wielding heavy units, but more powerful characters can be unlocked as the player scores points. Heroes or villains like Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Darth Vader can also be unlocked in battle if the player scores enough points.


Further Reading

Want to learn more about Star Wars: Battlefront II for PSP? Check out these resources.


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