Miracle Warriors: Seal of the Dark Lord (Sega Master System) Save Files
Download File: MiracleWarriorsSMSGuyJoinedSave.7z
File Contents
Start with Guy in the party near Kadia Village. Both heroes have a few levels under their belts and about 18,000 Guilders. The Iris Ax and Turo Sword have been acquired and upgraded at the Swordsmith’s village.
Emulator Version: Genesis Plus GX (RetroArch Android)
Download File: MiracleWarriorsSMSMediJoinedSave.7z
File Contents
Guy and Medi have been found. The party has 11 Sacred Nuts, 4 Staves of Earthquakes, and other items. The Iris Ax, Turos Sword, Eros Sword, Kronos Armor, Titan Armor, Athena Armor, and Shield of Ulysses have been acquired. Everyone’s weapons have been upgraded.
Emulator Version: Genesis Plus GX (RetroArch Android)
Download File: MiracleWarriorsArgonautAcquiredSave.7z
File Contents
All four heroes are in the part and the Argonaut ship has been acquired. Everyone has their best weapons and armor. You will also start with plenty of money and items.
Emulator Version: Genesis Plus GX (RetroArch Android)
Download File: MiracleWarriorsSMSGelkisShrineSave.7z
File Contents
This save was made at the end of the game. The Miracle Warriors are on top of Gelkis Shrine and ready to face the final boss. Full Staves, Nuts, Potions, and fully upgraded equipment. The party is also a high level and can beat the last boss fairly easily.
Emulator Version: Genesis Plus GX (RetroArch Android)
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