Mega Man V (Game Boy) Home Page

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Release Data

Developer/Publisher: Capcom 

Release Date: September, 1994

System: Game Boy

Genre: Platformer

Players: 1


In Mega Man V an army of robots has attacked the Earth. With all of the planet’s weapons powerless to stop the machines, Dr. Light has upgraded Mega Man’s Mega Buster and sent him out to do battle with the Stardroids. Light has also created a new mechanical companion for the Blue Bomber: a cat called Tango.

Players will have to clear several stages guarded by the Stardroids. Each stage is filled with dangerous robots, traps, and lethal spikes. Defeat a Stardroid and Mega Man will gain a new weapon. Each Stardroid is weak against a weapon dropped by one of their counterparts and players can choose the order in which they confront the first four bosses.

Mega Man can also obtain tanks that refill his weapon energy and health as well as upgrades for his new Mega Buster. Players can pick up where they left off by using Mega Man V’s built in password system.


Further Reading

Want to learn more about Mega Man V for Game Boy? Check out these resources.


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