Contra (Nintendo Entertainment System) Home Page

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Release Data30 Lives CheatNintendo Entertainment System

Release Data

Developer/Publisher: Konami 

Release Date: February, 1988

System: NES

Genre: Platformer

Players: 1-2


Contra places players in control of two special forces commandos (Mad Dog and Scorpion) tasked with defeating the evil alien menace, Red Falcon. Earth has been invaded by Red Falcon’s army of blood thirsty aliens and it’s up to the commandos to drive them out of the jungles of South America. The going won’t be easy though, eight stages filled with deadly pits, turrets, and alien soldiers stand between our heroes and Red Falcon.

Fortunately, the commandos will receive some help in the form of pods that carry power ups. Destroy the pods to get machine guns, flame throwers, and the famous spread shot. Players can also shoot in eight directions, even while jumping. 

Levels vary between standard side scrolling platformer stages and pseudo-3D areas where players must traverse deadly tunnels in third person view. Players only get three lives and three continues to complete the game.


Further Reading

Want to learn more about Contra for the Nintendo Entertainment System? Check out these resources.


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