Why We Collect User Data

Earlier today I posted a notice about the GDPR opt outs that appear on this site for UK and EU visitors. The subject got me thinking about why I collect any data at all and made me realize I should explain the situation a bit in case anyone cares.

In a nutshell RetroMaggedon.com uses Google Adsense and Analytics. I use Adsense to help keep the lights on (so to speak) since servers cost money. Analytics is just there to help me figure out what pages people use. The info I get from both services is very vague, at least on my end, and I do not release or sell data to any entities aside from Google. Acting in good faith to our visitors is very important to me and the other people involved in this project, so I hope this clarifies the matter a bit.


GDPR Compliance

Visitors from the UK and Europe will receive a pop up message giving them the option to opt out of our adsense data collection. This message should appear only once. Please be aware that this site collects very little data aside from Adsense and Google Analytics. Even then the info we have access to is very limited. Visitors are welcome to leave questions about privacy in the comments below or via email.


We now have a PSP section!

A section for PlayStation Portable games has been added to the Game Catalog. Right now the site only has cheats for a few games, but I plan on adding guides and reviews to this section in the future. I will also add a lot more cheats as the month closes, so be on the look out for more PSP content. A direct link to the PSP page can be found below.


Tables Fixed in Mobile

While testing the site, I noticed that a lot of the tables tended to cut off when viewed on smart phones. This has been fixed and tables should display more or less normally on phones and other devices with tiny screens. Unfortunately, I had to make the font in tables smaller to fix the problem. I’ll experiment with settings if I can get around to it and I am happy to hear any feedback on the new system.

Comments No Longer Need Approval

The past few weeks saw a major influx of spam comments with shady links on this site. I had to put the comments section into approval mode in order to maintain the integrity of this site as well as protect visitors from potentially dangerous links. The spam has stopped for now and the comment section has been taken out of approval mode, so your comments should show up immediately.

I apologize for any issues this may have caused, but to do not want to see anyone’s device get damaged by the suspicious links that were being posted by the spammers. Please be aware that I may have to close comments if the problem crops up again.

Cleaning Up Navigation Pages

The site’s navigation pages are starting look shabby as time goes on, so I will start touching them up in the future. Game titles and articles will still be listed under the same headings in alphabetical order, but they will be placed in charts with some very basic release information on the side.

This process will take some time, because hundreds of games have been covered on this site. Many of the Game Catalog pages will be a bit messy while I rework them, so please bear with us during this transition. Hopefully the result will be a much cleaner and nicer looking site that is easier to navigate.


All Comments will Temporarily be Held for Approval

I generally like to keep the comments section on posts and pages 100% open, but we have been receiving a massive influx of spam lately. This wreaks havoc with the site’s performance, annoys me, and makes it difficult for legitimate visitors to ask questions or share their thoughts.

All comments will be held for approval until the spam issue is resolved. Visitors are still welcome to leave comments on posts/pages, but they will not appear until they are approved. Do not worry if your comment does not show up right away, it will be approved as long as you are not trying to solicit something or linking to spammy sites.

I’m sorry if this causes an inconvenience to anyone, but I like to keep this site spam free for the sake of my sanity and to protect visitors from accidently clicking on a shady link.
