Become a Sponsor

Thank you for considering becoming a sponsor of RetroMaggedon Gaming! We are ad-free and 100% supported by our audience.

I started RetroMaggedon, because it was my dream to write video game reviews and guides. People like you have made it not only possible to share my love of video games with the world, but also give this project purpose. Unfortunately, time and money are factors that limit my ability to create gaming resources. With this in mind, your generous donation will be used to maintain and improve this website. All of the money I receive is used to create guides, pay operating costs, and buy equipment. By sponsoring this project, you ensure its future and help me deliver gaming content to everyone. It also benefits all of the people who have contributed reviews, guides, and other material to RetroMaggedon over the years.


Please send all PayPal contributions to:

This is an easy and safe way to make one time donations. All PayPal donors have their names displayed in our Sponsor list (The Knights of RetroMaggedon) under a tier based on how much they give. I also intend to add more perks for sponsors in the future. All donors will be notified and given access to new perks based on their sponsorship level.

$1-5 USD = Defender

$6-10 USD = Ragnarok

$11-15 USD = Excalibur

$16 USD or greater = Ultima Weapon 

Please include the name you want displayed on the sponsor page as a note with your donation.

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